The GIVV (Virtual Sailing Tour of Italy) is back in its full 2018 edition.
These are the salient features of the event:
seven (7) rounds organized as follows-on Tuesday - offshore regatta - COMANCHE 100 boat
-on friday - two (2) regattas on port - boat ACC
-ranking for each round by sum of time
-scores assigned based on the time ranking
-at each round the skippers will change in each group
A final round organized as follows-The best 16 skippers in the regular season ranking will reach the final round
-the skippers will start with bonuses in seconds depending on the regular season ranking position
-final ranking by sum of time
Start of the event scheduled inJanuary 30, 2018, end of the event scheduled in March 23, 2018You will find Regulations (ita-eng-fra-esp), Registration, calendar, download and all the useful news at VSKITALIA
http://www.thesailingcompany.net/vskit/givv_main.php with direct link to the event menu.
We are waiting for you!